New year’s resolution

This might sound like a weird resolution but I want to write more blogs in 2019. Over the year I’ve read that photographers need to write blogs for google search to notice you. I looked at my last blog and it’s 2017! It wasn’t even a real blog as it was a facebook post that I edited into a blog. Is that cheating?
So what is the purpose of this blog? The main aim is to just to do it. Sometimes I go out with the camera and I don’t necessarily feel like “doing it”. I can’t be bothered, I’m tired but I’m usually on the road when this thought comes and I know that I have to just keep going. I also know that if I don’t it won’t happen. I know that if I go out I have a chance of capturing something amazing. It doesn’t always happen but it happens always more than if I don’t go out!
I’m not ready to review the year that was… yet. There’s still another week or so for 2018. Instead this is me looking forward. I am excited about what 2019 will bring for my photography. This year my first week of 2017 I had a 4000+km road trip. 2018 I have a wedding shoot in my first week. After that I have a lot of ideas that I hope can come to pass.
My main aim is to be a ray of light for people when this can be a dark world. If people smile, have joy, gain peace, even for a moment because I’m sharing the beauty of this world then that is good. There is evil in this world but there is also joy, love, peace, kindness and that’s what I want to show.
Earlier this year I went to Papua New Guinea as a volunteer photographer on a medical ship. When I was there I realised how distracted we get by our “stuff”. The locals there were so welcoming and caring and accepting of us. In our “advanced” life we have so much holding us back from the joy they had in their simplified life. Maybe that trip can be another day’s blog.
What I want to say is you, I , we might have plans to make things more simple. They can be so clear when we have holidays (like possibly now) but when we go back to work they become tossed aside. How about you decide which ones give you peace and hold onto those. Write them down, make peace a priority. You might not feel like you have time to have that walk on the beach, or that 5 minute breather but make time for it. Isn’t having peace worth making it a priority?